From Hatching to Happy, We've Got You Covered!

From Hatching to Happy, We've Got You Covered!

Just Cluckin' Around

Welcome to Just Cluckin Around! Today, we're embarking on a journey to the heart of Sweden to explore a truly unique breed of chicken - the Hedemorahöna  or Hedemora hen. Thanks to the invaluable efforts of the Swedish Gene Bank, this breed, steeped in tradition and resilience, continues to captivate poultry enthusiasts worldwide. So, grab a cup of coffee, and let's delve into the world of Hedemora hens, where history, heritage, and hen-keeping intertwine.
  • 5 min read
Hey there, chicken enthusiasts and backyard flock fanciers! Today, we're taking a delightful deep dive into one of the most enchanting breeds out there – the Swedish Flower Hen. Known as "Skånsk blommehöna" in their native land, these birds aren't just another feather in the cap; they're a bouquet of charm and hardiness! Brought back from the brink of extinction thanks to the Swedish Gene Bank*, these hens are a living legacy of Sweden's rich agricultural history. 🐔🌼 Let's cluck our way through the history, traits, and the oh-so-lovely personality of these fabulous fowls!
  • 6 min read
Alrighty folks, buckle up and strap on your chicken-loving boots! It's time to have a cluck-tacular chat about Landrace! Now, don't be chicken, it's not as intimidating as it sounds. In fact, The Oxford Dictionary defines it simply as "a local cultivar or animal breed that has been improved by traditional agricultural methods." Doesn't sound too feather-ruffling, does it?
  • 2 min read