All-in-One Solution: Curicyn Original Wound & Skin Care Formula is your go-to for chicken wound and skin care.
Rapid Healing: Reduces inflammation and promotes quick healing for open wounds, punctures, lacerations, scrapes, eye irritations, and fungal infections.
Scar-Free Healing: Minimizes scarring, allowing wounds and skin to heal with little to no marks.
Easy Application: Simply clean the affected area and saturate it with Curicyn Original 3-5 times daily for up to 10 days.
Safe and Gentle: Suitable for use around sensitive areas like the eyes, ears, beaks, and nostrils.
Keep Your Chickens Happy: Ensure your feathered friends stay healthy and proud of their flawless feathers and skin with Curicyn Original.
Ingredients:Purified Anolyte (45%), Refined Colloidal Clay (26%), Aloe (14%), Vegetable Oil (14%), Hypochlorous Acid (<1%), Potassium Iodide (<1%), Proprietary Carrier (<1%), Inactive Ingredients (<1%)