October Treats: A Feast of DIY Snacks for Your Chickens

Ah, October! The season when Mother Nature shows off her palette of reds, oranges, and yellows. It's a time of apple picking, hayrides, and, of course, Halloween! But what about our clucking friends who keep us entertained and provide us with fresh eggs? Do they not deserve to partake in the fall festivities? Well, the answer is a resounding "Cluck, yes!"

Here at Cluck It All Farms, where Millie the Swedish Flower Hen clucks her wisdom in the "Cluckin Chronicles," we’re all about treating our flocks like royalty. So, sit back, grab a pumpkin spice latte, and let’s dig into some cluckin' delicious and nutritious homemade snacks your chickens will adore this October.

Corn Maze Mix


  • Cracked Corn: 2 cups
  • Dried Mealworms: 1 cup
  • Pumpkin Seeds: 1 cup
  • Sunflower Seeds: 1/2 cup
  • Fresh Herbs (rosemary or thyme): A handful


  1. In a large bowl, mix all the ingredients thoroughly.
  2. Divide the mix into individual servings and store them in an airtight container.
  3. Each day, sprinkle a portion of this mix in different parts of the chicken run, creating a foraging adventure.

Why It’s Cluckin' Awesome:

Corn Maze Mix is like a five-star buffet but for chickens. The cracked corn offers much-needed carbs, the mealworms provide protein, and the seeds contribute healthy fats. Toss in some herbs for added flavor and health benefits.

Ghoulish Grit Cake 2.0


  • Grit: 4 cups
  • Water: 2 cups
  • Fresh Herbs (mint, oregano, parsley): 2 cups
  • Chopped Carrots: 1 cup


  1. Boil the water and add the grit, stirring until you get a thick consistency.
  2. Mix in the fresh herbs and carrots.
  3. Pour the mixture into a silicone muffin pan and let it set overnight.
  4. The next day, pop them out and serve one cake to each bird.

Why It’s Cluckin' Awesome:

Think of Ghoulish Grit Cake 2.0 as the ultimate chicken multivitamin. Grit is essential for digestion, the herbs add aroma and extra health benefits, and the carrots provide beta-carotene, which is excellent for eye health.

Pumpkin Gut Scavenger Hunt: The Mega Version


  • Two Medium Pumpkins


  1. Cut open the pumpkins and scoop out the seeds and flesh, saving the scooped contents.
  2. Hide little pumpkin pieces and seeds around the chicken run or inside hollow logs.
  3. Place the pumpkins in different corners of the run for a more extensive search area.

Why It’s Cluckin' Awesome:

This scavenger hunt takes the regular treat experience and turns it into a full-fledged interactive game for your flock. It promotes natural foraging behavior and keeps your chickens mentally stimulated.

Apple and Cinnamon Sticks Medley


  • Sliced Apples: 2 cups
  • Cinnamon Sticks: 4-5


  1. Place the apple slices on a tray to dry for a couple of hours.
  2. Mix them with cinnamon sticks.
  3. Offer this treat in a mesh feeder for your chickens to peck at throughout the day.

Why It’s Cluckin' Awesome:

Apples provide vitamins and fiber, while cinnamon can aid in respiratory health. Plus, the aroma will make your chicken coop smell divine.

Seed Mix Symphony


  • Mixed Seeds (flax, chia, sesame): 1 cup
  • Rolled Oats: 1 cup
  • Dried Fruits (cranberries or raisins): 1/2 cup


  1. Combine the seeds, oats, and dried fruits in a bowl.
  2. Serve in a feeder or sprinkle a handful around the chicken run.

Why It's Cluckin' Awesome:

Seeds are rich in essential fatty acids, oats provide slow-release energy, and dried fruits bring a touch of natural sweetness and antioxidants.

Kale Pecking Blocks


  • Fresh Kale: 4 cups (torn into pieces)
  • Water: 2 cups
  • Crushed Eggshells: 1 cup


  1. Blend the kale and water until you get a smooth consistency.
  2. Add crushed eggshells to the mix.
  3. Pour into ice cube trays and freeze.
  4. Once frozen, give a cube to each chicken to peck at throughout the day.

Why It’s Cluckin' Awesome:

Kale is a superfood for chickens, providing necessary nutrients and vitamins. The eggshells add calcium, an essential mineral for eggshell production.

Crunchy Beetroot Chips


  • Beetroots: 2-3 (sliced)
  • Olive oil: 1 tablespoon


  1. Preheat your oven to 250°F (120°C).
  2. Toss the beet slices in olive oil.
  3. Arrange them on a baking sheet and bake until crispy.
  4. Cool down and serve to your chickens.

Why It's Cluckin' Awesome:

Beets are packed with vitamins and minerals. They act as a natural cleanser for the blood and can improve liver function in chickens.

More on Treats and Enrichment

When it comes to treats and enrichment for your feathered family, variety is the spice of life—or should we say, the seasoning of the coop. Rotating different types of treats helps ensure your chickens get a broader range of nutrients, while also keeping them mentally engaged. Foods that require a bit of work, like pecking blocks or hidden treats, help satisfy the chickens' natural instincts to forage and scratch, which in turn, keeps them happier and healthier.

Moreover, seasonal treats like the ones suited for October bring an additional layer of enrichment by introducing new flavors and textures that coincide with the natural world around them. It's not just about feeding; it's about creating an enriching environment that stimulates all their senses.

A Word from Millie:

Hey, cluckers! Millie here. If you're going to pamper us this October, let me tell you, these treats are like a spa day but for our tastebuds. We'll be clucking in delight all month long. Just remember, moderation is key. Keep it cluckin' responsible!

Final Cluck:

And there you have it—your October guide to DIY chicken treats that are as nutritious as they are fun. Now you’ve got an array of options to keep those beaks busy and those clucks of approval coming. Let this October be a month of feasting, fun, and many grateful clucks from your favorite backyard companions.

For more fabulous chicken supplies, check out our HEN PICKED Boxes. Keep your eyes peeled for more tips, tricks, and poultry wisdom from us here at 'Just Cluckin Around'.

Happy Cluckin’ October, everyone! For more tips, tricks, and products, tune in to 'Just Cluckin Around'. Keep those feathers unruffled and keep on cluckin'!

Let’s Hatch a Conversation: Contact Cluck It All Farms Today!

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